
  • Queue is defined as a linear data structure that is open at both ends. 
  • The operations are performed in First In First Out (FIFO) order.
  • A Queue is like a line waiting to purchase tickets, where the first person in line is the first person served. (i.e. First come first serve).
  • Position of the entry in a queue ready to be served, that is, the first entry that will be removed from the queue, is called the front of the queue(sometimes, head of the queue)
  • Similarly, the position of the last entry in the queue, that is, the one most recently added, is called the rear (or the tail) of the queue

  • Queue Operations:
    • enqueue: Add a new element to the rear of queue. It requires element to be added and returns nothing.
    • dequeue Removes the elements from the front of queue. It does not require any parameters and returns the deleted item.
    • isEmpty: Check the whether the queue is empty or not. It does not require any parameter and returns a Boolean value.
    • isFull: Check the whether the queue is full or not. It does not require any parameter and returns a Boolean value.
  • Types Of Queues:
    • Linear Queue
    • Circular Queue
    • Priority Queue
    • Double Ended Queue (deque)

  • Linear Queue:
    • It is generally referred as Queue
    • No proper utilization of memory

    • Operations of Linear Queue:

      • Algorithm for Insertion:
        1. begin
        2. if (rear == sizeof(queue)-1)
          1. return "Queue is full"
        3. end if
        4. else
          1. increment rear 
          2. queue[rear] = assign value
          3. increment front
        5. end else
        6. end

      • Flow Chart for Insertion: 

Flow Chart for Insertion

      • Algorithm for Deletion:
        1. begin
        2. if (front == -1)
          1. return "Queue is empty"
        3. end if
        4. else
          1. store value of queue[front]
          2. increment front
          3. if (front == rear)
            1. set front = -1 and rear = -1
          4. end if
          5. else
            1. increment front
          6. end else
        5. end else
        6. end

      • Flow Chart for Deletion:

Flow Char for Deletion

      • Algorithm for isFull:
        1. begin
        2. if (rear == sizeof(queue)-1)
          1. return true
        3. end if
        4. else
          1. return false
        5. end else
        6. end

      • Flow Chart for isFull:

      Flow Chart for isFull

      • Algorithm for isEmpty:

        1. begin
        2. if (front == -1)
          1. return true
        3. end if
        4. else
          1. return false
        5. end else
        6. end

      • Flow Chart for isEmpty:

      Flow Chart for isEmpty

  • Circular Queue:
    • Proper utilization of memory
    • Increment front and rear in circular fashion i.e. 0, 1, 2, ...... , Size-1, 0, 1, ....

    • Operations of Circular Queue:
      • Algorithm for Insertion:

        1. begin
        2. if ((front == -1 && rear == sizeof(queue)-1) || (rear== front&& rear!= -1) )
          1. return "Queue is full"
        3. end if
        4. else
          1. if (rear == sizeof(queue) -1)
            1. rear = 0
          2. end if
          3. else
            1. increment rear
          4. end else
          5. queue[rear] = assign value
        5. end else
        6. end

      • Flow Chart for Insertion:

      Flow Chart for Insertion

      • Algorithm for Deletion:
        1. begin
        2. if (rear == -1 && front == -1)
          1. return "Queue is empty"
        3. end if
        4. else
          1. if(front == sizeof(queue)-1)
            1. store value of queue[0]
          2. end if
          3. else
            1. store value of queue[front++]
          4. end else
          5. if (front == sizeof(queue)-1)
            1. front = 0
          6. end if
          7. else
            1. increment front
          8. end if
          9. if (front == rear)
            1. set front = -1 and rear = -1
          10. end if
        5. end else
        6. end

      • Flow Chart for Deletion:

Flow Chart for Deletion

      • Algorithm for isFull:
        1. begin
        2. if ((front == -1 && rear == sizeof(queue)-1) || (rear== front&& rear!= -1) )
          1. return true
        3. end if
        4. else
          1. return false
        5. end else
        6. end

      • Flow Chart for isFull:
      Flow Chart for isFull

      • Algorithm for isEmpty():
        1. begin
        2. if (rear == -1 && front == -1)
          1. return true
        3. end if
        4. else
          1. return false
        5. end else
        6. end

      • Flow Chart for isEmpty():

Flow Chart for isEmpty

  • Priority Queue:
    • Each element is associated with some priority
    • Element with highest priority is popped out first
    • No FIFO behavior (First In First Out)
    • Typically it is implemented as sorted linked list
    • While insertion element is added at appropriate position as per its priority
    • So insertion time complexity will be 0(1)
    • While deleting first element is deleted, as it is element with highest priority.

  • Double Ended Queue (deque):
    • Can push/pop elements from both sides i.e. front as well as rear
    • Usually implemented as doubly linked list with head and tail

    • Algorithm for Insertion using rear:
      1. begin
      2. if (rear == sizeof(queue)-1)
        1. return "Queue is full"
      3. end if
      4. else
        1. increment rear
        2. queue[rear] = assign value
      5. end else
      6. if (front == -1)
        1. set front = 0
      7. end if
      8. end

    • Flow Chart for Insertion using rear : 

    Flow Chart for Insertion using rear

  • Algorithm for Insertion using front:

    1. begin
    2. if (front == -1)
      1. return "Queue is full"
    3. end if
    4. else
      1. decrement front
      2. queue[front] = assign value
    5. end else
    6. if (rear == sizeof(queue)
      1. set rear = sizeof(queue)-1
    7. end if
    8. end

  • Flow Chart for Insertion using front:

Flow Chart for Insertion using front

    • Algorithm for Deletion using front:

      1. begin
      2. if (front == -1)
        1. return "Queue is empty"
      3. end if
      4. else
        1. store value of queue[front]
        2. if (front == rear)
          1. set front = -1 and rear = -1
        3. end if
        4. else
          1. increment front
        5. end else
      5. end else
      6. end

    • Flow Chart Deletion using front:
    Flow Chart Deletion using front

    • Algorithm for Deletion using rear:

      1. begin
      2. if (rear == sizeof(queue))
        1. return "Queue is empty"
      3. end if
      4. else
        1. store value of queue[rear]
        2. if (front == rear)
          1. set front = sizeof(queue) and rear = sizeof(queue)
        3. end if
        4. else
          1. decrement rear
        5. end else
      5. end else
      6. end

    • Flow chart for Deletion using rear:

Deletion using rear:

    • Algorithm for isFull using rear:

      1. begin
      2. if (rear == sizeof(queue)-1)
        1. return true
      3. end if
      4. else
        1. return false
      5. end else
      6. end

    • Flow Chart for isFull using rear:

Flow Chart for isFull using rear

    • Algorithm for isFull using front:

      1. begin
      2. if (front== -1)
        1. return true
      3. end if
      4. else
        1. return false
      5. end else
      6. end

    • Flow Chart for isFull using front:

Flow Chart for isFull using front

    • Algorithm for isEmpty using front:

      1. begin
      2. if (front== -1)
        1. return true
      3. end if
      4. else
        1. return false
      5. end else
      6. end

    • Flow Chart for isFull using front:

    Flow Chart for isFull using front

    • Algorithm for isEmpty using rear:

        1. begin
        2. if (rear== sizeof(queue))
          1. return true
        3. end if
        4. else
          1. return false
        5. end else
        6. end

    • Flow Chart for isEmpty using rear:

      Flow Chart for isFull using front


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