
  • Tree is a non-linear data structure and a hierarchy consisting of a collection of nodes such that each node of the tree stores a value and a list of references to other nodes (the “children”).


  • A tree consists of a root, and zero or more subtrees T1, T2, … , Tk such that there is an edge from the root of the tree to the root of each subtree.

  • Basic Terminologies: 

  • Parent Node: The node which is a predecessor of a node is called the parent node of that node. {B} is the parent node of {D, E}.

  • Child Node: The node which is the immediate successor of a node is called the child node of that node. Examples: {D, E} are the child nodes of {B}.

  • Root Node: The topmost node of a tree or the node which does not have any parent node is called the root node. {A} is the root node of the tree. A non-empty tree must contain exactly one root node and exactly one path from the root to all other nodes of the tree.

  • Leaf Node or External Node: The nodes which do not have any child nodes are called leaf nodes. {K, L, M, N, O, P} are the leaf nodes of the tree.

  • Ancestor of a Node: Any predecessor nodes on the path of the root to that node are called Ancestors of that node. {A,B} are the ancestor nodes of the node {E}

  • Descendant: Any successor node on the path from the leaf node to that node. {E,I} are the descendants of the node {B}.

  • Sibling: Children of the same parent node are called siblings. {D,E} are called siblings.

  • Level of a node: The count of edges on the path from the root node to that node. The root node has level 0.

  • Internal node: A node with at least one child is called Internal Node.

  • Neighbor of a Node: Parent or child nodes of that node are called neighbors of that node.

  • Subtree: Any node of the tree along with its descendant.

  • Properties
    • Number of edges: An edge can be defined as the connection between two nodes. If a tree has N nodes then it will have (N-1) edges. There is only one path from each node to any other node of the tree.

    • Depth of a node: The depth of a node is defined as the length of the path from the root to that node. Each edge adds 1 unit of length to the path. So, it can also be defined as the number of edges in the path from the root of the tree to the node

    • Height of a node: The height of a node can be defined as the length of the longest path from the node to a leaf node of the tree.

    • Height of the Tree: The height of a tree is the length of the longest path from the root of the tree to a leaf node of the tree.

    • Degree of a Node: The total count of subtrees attached to that node is called the degree of the node. The degree of a leaf node must be 0. The degree of a tree is the maximum degree of a node among all the nodes in the tree.

  • Basic Operation:  
    • Create – create a tree in data structure.
    • Insert − Inserts data in a tree.
    • Search − Searches specific data  in a tree to check it is present or not.
    • Preorder Traversal – Perform Traveling a tree in a pre-order manner in data structure .

    • In order Traversal – Perform Traveling a tree in an in-order manner.

    • Post order Traversal – Perform Traveling a tree in a post-order manner.

  • Types: 
    • Binary Tree
    • Binary Search Tree
    • Complete Binary Tree
    • Strictly Binary Tree
    • Full Binary Tree
    • Almost Complete Binary Tree
    • Threaded Binary Tree
    • Skewed Binary Tree
    • Balanced Binary Tree
    • AVL Tree
    • B Tree
    • B + Tree

  • Preorder Traversal:
    • NLR ==> Node Left Right
    • Algorithm:
      • void preorder(node *T)


                    if (T != NULL)


                                write(T -> data)

                                preorder(T -> Left)

                                preorder(T -> Right)



    • eg.

    Preorder Traversal

      • OUTPUT ==> A B D E F C G H

  • Inorder Traversal:
    • LNR ==> Left Node Right
    • Algorithm:
      • void inorder(node *T)


                    if (T != NULL)


                                inorder(T -> Left)

                                write(T -> data)

                                inorder(T -> Right)



    • eg.

      • OUTPUT ==> B E D F A G C H

  • Postorder Traversal:
    • LRN ==> Left Right Node
    • Algorithm:
      • void postorder(node *T)


                    if (T != NULL)


                               postorder(T -> Left)

        postorder(T -> Right)

                               write(T -> data)



    • eg. 

      • OUTPUT ==> E F D B G H C A


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